dinsdag 4 augustus 2015

Instant Happiness: Meir Ezra

You can feel happier in just one minute by first understanding a few important facts.

"Happiness could be defined as the emotion of progress toward desirable goals. There is an instant of contemplation * of the last goal in which one is content. But contentment Becomes boredom Immediately That New goals do not come to view. There is no more unhappy thing than a man Who has accomplished all his ends in life . " - L. Ron Hubbard (* = contemplation thoughtful observation, meditation)

Let's examine three parts of this definition.

1. "There is an instant of contemplation of the last goal in which one is content."

What was the last goal you Reached? Do you remember That feeling of contentment?

For example, how did you feel right after your wedding? When you got your first job? When you graduated from school?

2. "But contentment Becomes boredom Immediately That New goals do not come to view. "

For example, planning a vacation is exciting. But toward the end of a vacation many people are bored As They no longer have a goal.

Arguments constantly honeymoons are common, if the newlyweds do not set goals for Their marriage.

Meir Ezra Planning your retirement and the first day of retirement is a thrill. But the joy of freedom quickly turns to boredom and early death if you do not work on new goals.

3. "Happiness could be defined as the emotion of progress toward desirable goals."

Making yourself happy is easy! Simply chose desirable goals and make progress toward them.

Three Steps to Feeling Happier, Right Now

1. Select a desirable goal. If you do not have a desirable goal, make one up. What do you want?

2. Write down ONE SINGLE THING you can do right now toward this goal. It has to be an action step. Not thinking about it or talking about it. Actual physical motion.

3. Do it! Take that one step right now. Make some small, but real progress. You might be surprised at how easy it is.

Shaft soon as you take this one step, you'll feel instant happiness.

Try it!

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